Saturday, May 26, 2007

im tryna;

thoughts for the day: aint thinking abt it all,but it just wont go awae...

oritey...a REAL entry after wat seem like ages...theres alot of crap bottled inside me ryt now tt it if i kept it inside for another dae,it might just burst out of its own accord...watever all tt means lar ey...

finally,im back at my own home after 4 mths staying with my aunt at Tampines..for those who loves making assumption,no i didnt got thrown out by my parents for watever reason u guys can come up with aiite...i was accompanying my aunt coz she moved back home 4 mths ago to her hse in the flat has been sold and the last couple of months was a lil hectic with packing and going up and down hdb and so on so forth..and today is finally the moving day...she did not buy a new flat coz only her and her youngest daughter gonna stay she rented a flat tt will take at least 6 months to be yar shes currently living with my eldest cousins...

wat else now???

ouh,luck is certainly not on my side wen i was looking for a job coz till today im still job-LESS wtf! and i'd realized tt finding a job with oni a higher nitec cert aint gonna be helpful enuff...and with tt i hafta forget my dream of getting a dip in determined to get accepted into any farking poly next year by hook or crook lar...i hate idling arnd the hse..hate filling in job application forms...hate sending out resumes to pple..hate being JOBLESS for fuck's sake...and i miss going to school and even miss having homewerk and everything associating with sch lar...but im too lazy to start making new friends again lar...coz they wont be like the ones i have now...haish!!!

altho im on the verge of giving up in finding a real job,i will still keep trying lar...i need cash lar..i think tts d only thing tt keep this "looking for a job" spirit alive...hmmmmmmmmm....and im so smangat to lose them fats lar...its about time i think to live healthy...hahahaha...been watching "THE BIGGEST LOSER" all week long and kinda motivated by knowing myself fully well,i need alot of motivation smangat is like wat 5 minit je ekh...hahaha..but yar im determined to focus on losing weight too...i dont feel the urge of losing weight before honestly coz i was very "heck-care" but now the attitude has to change...coz theres a part of me wanting to look good,wanting to live to a ripe old age and wanting to be tts y im doing gonna take time,of course but gradually i'll get the hang of it lar...*cross-fingers*...

anw,had a long dae ahead of me of my many cousins are getting engaged 2mrw and gotta be at his place early2...half looking-forward to it.half dreading the train ride to pasir ris...hmm...look out for pics aiite...tons i think...ok i;mma!

"im tryna act like i dont wanna be with you...
like i would be okae if u just walk awae...
im tryna act like i dont wanna see you...
like u were just a face,i'll forget u in a dae..."